Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Hi there! Welcome to my blog, which is based around what I have learnt from our Learning Technologies class in the Grad Dip (Primary) at La Trobe University.

At the top of my blog you will find my most recent posts, from here you are able to navigate back all the way to July 2010 - feels like a long time ago!

I thought I was pretty good with computers, however having done this unit I would say that my knowledge of what can be done with the web and ICT in the classroom has expanded significantly!

My favourite discoveries include DVolver movie maker and Inspiration...actually Quia is pretty cool too! I also really like the ideas of making animations, where students can develop characters, the plot, stage setting and film their story - with the satisfaction of seeing all their hard work come together at the end! The beauty of animation is that they can make characters out of almost anything! This incorporates, art, literacy, group work, planning and subject content. It is also good to know that if a school is not lucky enough to have a video camera, they can still make animations using PowerPoint. I believe teachers must be flexible and think outside of the square to make the most of ICT in the classroom.

I believe that ICT can really make learning more interesting for students while giving them invaluable skills to help them in an ever-changing world, where technology advances seem to be made every minute! ICT can also enhance creativity in students in many ways, whether visually, musically or otherwise and help them communicate ideas.

Throughout this course I have learnt that internet safety is of the utmost importance for students and that they must learn to use ICT tools responsibly. Likewise, it is important not to publish any unauthorised photos of students on the net and to protect their identity.

While not all schools may have a lot of computers, it is important to utilise whatever ICT tools are available, and to help students learn about ICT tools to help them express themselves in literacy, creativity and many other areas.

Without further ado, let's get moving into what we have covered in the unit...

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